Gajtkowska, Magdalena2016-03-222016-03-222014Kultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacja 2014, Nr 1, s.25-39978-83-232-2821-92300-0422 article discusses the necessity of providing an effective support for women who play the mother’s role. Among many categories of social support, “provision of services” was analyzed, because much research shows that this kind of support is needed. In the view of playing the role of a mother this kind of service would aim at supporting women in performing the duties which result from the fact that they are mothers, for instance, taking care of the child during the mother’s absence. It seems that this kind of support is especially in need, because many women, who decide to be mothers, come across many difficulties, mainly connected with taking care of the baby. It happens due to the fact that mothers, apart from running the household and taking care of the children, are in a regular employment. Nowadays it seems to be crucial to improve the quality and availability of this kind of support, because the one that is now offered, seems to be ineffective and insufficient.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessdemographic declinesocial supportmaternityrole of a mothertaking the mother’s roleacting as a mothemodern womenPełnienie roli matki jako obszar wsparciaPlaying the Role of a Mother as a SupportArtykuł