Przybysz, Anna Katarzyna2017-03-152017-03-152016978-83-947198-3-8 purpose is to examine the problem of subjectivity of the body in The Other by Yuri Mamleev and The Red Rooster Flies Heavenwards by Miodrag Bulatović, as well as to make the attempt to comparatively read both works treating them as complementary opposition. The discussion is based, first of all, on the anthropological studies, according to which the human being does not learn about himself and his place in the world from facts, but thanks to the "immersion" in the surrounding space, continuous process of experiencing it. For this reason, the corporeality of the characters was considered in relation to the nature of the surrounding reality, social and moral conditions, as well as in view of the characters’ relationship with their own bodies and the degree of participation of their consciousness in the process of forming subjectivity. Both in the work of the Serbian and Russian writer the heroes aim to cross the boundaries of their physicality, which can be interpreted as their desire to unify with the universe. The attitude of the characters towards their own body is the reason for the fact that it becomes a determinant of the boundaries of their own spaciousness and the foundation of the individual experience of the world.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessciałobodypodmiotowośćsubjectivitycielesnośćcorporealityrealizm metafizycznymetaphysical realismrealizm magicznymagical realismJurij MamlejewYuri MamleevMiodrag BulatovićProblem podmiotowości ciała. "Inny" Jurija Mamlejewa i "Czerwony kogut leci wprost do nieba" Miodraga Bulatovicia w kluczu komplementarnej opozycjiKsiążka