Zieliński, Maciej2013-06-032013-06-032006Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 68, 2006, z. 3, s. 93-101.0035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/6373The paper presents integration of a derivative concept of legal interpretation with Polish legal culture and the functioning in it of other concepts of interpretation, such as traditional (E.Waśkowski), constructive (S. Frydman), intesional semantic (J.Wróblewski) extensional semantic (J.Woleński), humanistic (L. Nowak), computative (F.Studnicki) and horizontal (R.Starkowicz), as well as hermeneutic and argumentative. The author first presents those features which are intrinsic of a derivative concept and then shows the integration elements which manifest themselves as those complementing the derivative concept with elements of other concepts, and as elements of convergence o f the derivative concept with other concepts, which is manifested in the acceptance of analogous solutions. 23 M.plDERYWACYJNA KONCEPCJA WYKŁADNI JAKO KONCEPCJA ZINTEGROWANADERIVATIVE CONCEPT OF LEGAL INTERPRETATION AS AN INTEGRATED CONCEPTArtykuł