Łaska-Mierzejewska, Teresa2012-08-092012-08-091999Anthropological Review, vol. 62, 1999, pp. 3-161898-6773http://hdl.handle.net/10593/2972Body height and mass were determined in girls aged 10.5-18.5 years in three periods: 1977 (n = 1028), 1987 (n = 1255) and in 1997 (n = 1992). The families of those girls were classified into three categories: farmers, farmer-workers and non-farmers. The economical crisis affected predominantly the rural non-farmer population while farmers were most independent from food rationing. After the change of the system and after the state-owned and co-operative farms had been dissolved, the economical situation of the rural non-farmer population worsened further, which showed in the biological parameters of girls.enBody height and mass of girls from rural communities in Krosno region as affected by political and economical changes in Poland in the period 1977-1997Artykuł