Tobis, Aleksander2017-01-022017-01-021985Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 47, 1985, z. 2, s. 83-910035-9629 article on propositions of changes in a regulation of conditional release from serving the full sentence dwells on the more substantial propositions of changing the relevant provisions of the Penal Code and Punishment Execution Code. The project of amendments was published by the Commission of the Ministry of Justice in 1981. The article concerns specifically the grounds of applying the conditional release, minimum limits of serving a sentence, persional range in applying that institution, substitutive penalty and conditional release of recidivists. The article postulates different propositions of wording of art. 90 of the penal Code, modifying minimum periods of serving a sentence, certain new rights to be granted to penal institutions administration and relates to the remaining problems.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessPropozycje zmian uregulowania warunkowego przedterminowego zwolnienia z odbywania karyPropositions of changes in a regulation of conditional release from serving the full sentenceArtykuł