Nowakowski, Krzysztof2013-03-092013-03-092008Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 70, 2008, z. 1, s. 213-2330035-9629 as an element of social capital can be analysed at many levels. However, what is characteristic or significant for the development of Poland is lack of a generalised and institutionalised trust. This creates negative social capital and trust of a particularised and personal character that constitutes a barrier demarking a certain system inertia. Consequently, a generalised and interpersonal distrust syndrome is created in horizontal and vertical dimensions, followed by social network, corruption and clientelism, and all those determine the possibilities and stability of democracy and economic development. In a wider perspective, what is vital for Poland’s further development is creation o f a culture of trust. This will be possible by the substitution o f the dominance of traditional social groups with modern ones, both market and public institutions of the rational, bureaucratic world.plWYMIARY ZAUFANIA I PROBLEM ZAUFANIA NEGATYWNEGO W POLSCEDIMENSIONS OF TRUST - THE PROBLEM OF NEGATIVE TRUST IN POLANDArtykuł