Marzec, Lucyna2018-03-192018-03-192015Laboratorium poezji kobiecej XX wieku, Poznań 2015, s. 17-28.978-83-64864-26-1“I don’t like poetry” – the interpretation of Poezja by Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna This article is an interpretation of poem Poezja by Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna from collection of poems Szeptem [1966]. The authoress claims that poetic credo of Iłłakowiczówna, that yet has been read as a contrary ironic or based on the litotes-mask of hyperbola, could be read with abject theory; this claim is af- rmed by imagery of this poem, as well as by versi cation and rhytmicity. Creating is, according to Iłłakowiczówna, negative and at the same time sensual and disturbing experience, because it undermines boundary between “inner myslef ” and “the outside world”, so it relates to “non-assimilative Otherness” of Menninghaus.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccesspoezjainnośćabiektalnośćwstrętcodziennośćmetakomentarzautotematyzmMennighausBrach-CzainaIłłakowiczówna"Nie lubię poezji" - interpretacja liryku "Poezja" Kazimiery IłłakowiczównyRozdział z książki