Sokołowski, Tomasz2016-12-052016-12-051995Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 57, 1995, z. 3, s. 1-90035-9629 Polish laws do no contain a sufficient regulation with regards the legal situation of an adolescent mother of an unborn child. The following problems appear in connection with the problem: acceptance of the fathering of the unborn child, the obligation to provide maintenance and care, the capacity of an adolescent mother to appear before court and become a party in a civil case, the right to decide upon the matters concerning the child. There are many lacunas in the existing laws. The most important problem is that the scope of the rights of an adolescent mother becomes reduced ones the child is born.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessSytuacja prawna małoletniej matki przed urodzeniem dzieckaThe legal position of an adolescent motherArtykuł