Śliwińska, Magdalena2013-07-172013-07-171999Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 61, 1999, z. 3-4, s. 103-123.0035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/6895For present candidates from Central and Eastern Europe to a membership in European Union - it is of most importance to understand the essence of integration processes which Western Europe undergoes after the World War II. It is so because of the fact that economic integration of several and of more than so much economies is a venture of utmost complexity and dynamism. This feature forces constantly to get solved a whole series of structural problems. Dynamics and specificity o f European integration consist in simultaneous alternation of two processes: firstly - deepening of integration within the framework of European Community and, secondly - enlarging the number of members of this organisation. Both of these processes, despite of definitional independence, have exerted their reciprocal influence and - in the history of the UE which counts already several decades - have together shaped the character of the European Union as an organisation. Since operational principles for six States-original members could be quite different than for the Union of 15 members - whereas successive rounds of enlargement can promptly even increase this number twofold. Closer and closer economic co-operation between members of the UE do demand next more and more common regulations and politics. As well the deepening of European integration as changes in ways of this integration - when we only take into consideration different levels of economic advancement of the candidates - do together change the character itself of the Union and conditions of admittance of new members, too. It is natural phenomenon; however, present candidates for a membership of the EU must be aware of the fact that European Union is in constant and dynamic development process, so - in the very moment of their admittance its functioning principles can differ to a great extent from those which were in force ten or twenty years ago.plDYNAMIKA I PROBLEMY STRUKTURALNE PROCESÓW INTEGRACYJNYCH W EUROPIEDYNAMICS AND STRUCTURAL PROBLEMS OF INTEGRATION PROCESSES IN EUROPEArtykuł