Sochański, Tomasz2015-07-142015-07-142014Filozofia Publiczna i Edukacja Demokratyczna, 2014 Tom 3, Nr 2, s. 199-217.978-83-7092-161-32299-1875 study aims to highlight the role of education in a democratic society in the political philosophy of Nicolas de Condorcet. Condorcet refuted legitimising political power on the idea of general will and postulated to replace it with the notion of reason and probability of truth. This assumption tightly linked the wellbeing of democracy with a public education system which, on the one hand, was to prepare citizens to take an active role in the public sphere, and on the other, allow them to improve the political system in which they function in accordance with the progress of the human spirit.plinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCondorcetdemocracyeducationcitizenshipEnlightenmentFrench RevolutionRozum w służbie polityki, czyli demokracja i oświata w myśli markiza de CondorcetReason and Politics – Democracy and Education in the Philosophy of CondorcetArtykuł