Balcerzak, Małgorzata2012-11-062012-11-062011Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, 2011, nr 1, s.19–312084-3011 article concentrates on the problem of transgression in the novel Podobojí by Daniela Hodrová. This problem is tracked from the perspective of romantic and post-romantic references to the literary and historical tradition (e.g. the Czech National Revival). One of the key concepts here is death and the metaphor of doubling, which makes the characters in the novel ontologically ambiguous entities. Death is treated in a confrontation with romantic themes, such as the ghost, ghoul, and the double.pltransgressiondoublingdeathDaniela Hodrováromantic literary traditionZjawy, upiory, sobowtóry... „Romantyczne” transgresje w powieści "Podobojí" Danieli Hodrovej“Romantic” transgressions in the novel "Podobojí" by Daniela HodrováArtykuł