Czekańska, Małgorzata2012-10-252012-10-251993Studia Germanica Posnaniensia, vol. 20 (1993), s. 9-18.0137-2467 the Prussian times in Poznan, F. Schiller's dramas were performed both in the German Stadttheater and the Polish Theatre. They were popular among Poles because of three reasons: 1) The audience mostly consisted of the graduates of German schools, so there were no language problems; 2) performer's benefits were extremely attractive with most popular actors, who often chose F. Schiller's tragedies to show their acting abilities; 3) the independent ideas of Schiller's tragedies compensated for the lack of forbidden Polish literature.deZur Rezeption der Dramen von Friedrich Schiller auf der polnischen Bühne im Großherzogtum Posen (1815-1871) und in der Provinz Posen (1871-1918)Artykuł