Guzik, Bogusław2013-03-072013-03-072008Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 70, 2008, z. 3, s. 125-1480035-9629 investment attractiveness was analysed on the basis of data obtained from the Independent Market Economy Institute (IBnGR) and information from the Central Statistical Office (GUS) on the amount of investment outlays per inhabitant in individual regions. Models of investment outlays in 12 sectors o f economy were estimated with regard to 7 areas of social and economic development. Linear, exponent and power models were taken into account. Next, on the basis o f the material significance indicators of individual development measures, the importance o f certain areas for investing in individual sectors of economy has been estimated. On that basis four basic investor profiles have been determined: a) “clean and quiet work” - those investing in: hotel industry, trading and property services; b) “gold diggers” - those investing in agriculture, education, construction and (to a large extent) transport; c) “stabilisation” - those investing in manufacturing industry; d) “a bit of risk and a bit of stabilisatibn” - those investing in financial services, health protection and social welfare at the same timeplPRÓBA OSZACOWANIA PROFILU INWESTORÓW PRYWATNYCH NA PODSTAWIE BADAŃ ATRAKCYJNOŚCI INWESTYCYJNEJ WOJEWÓDZTWINVESTOR PROFILE ON THE BASIS OF THE ANALYSIS OF INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS OF REGIONSArtykuł