Nowak, Andrzej W.2013-11-182013-11-182013Studia Metodologiczne, tom 30, pp. 239-266978-83-232-2629-10039-324X discusses problem of public debate on alternative medicine. Following B. Latour author claim that our public sphere still can be described by so called „modernist constitution”. Latour holds that distinction between political representation belonging to society and epistemological representation belonging to nature is one of the modern constitution’s most important dichotomies. In article author claims that discussion with alternative medicine should not be conducted from theoretical position (philosophy of science), because is still entangled in modernist presumptions. Instead author propose „lowering the tone” (S. Shapin) and focuses on social practice. Author suggest that we should try to think about alternative medicine outside of „modernist constitution”. Social Studies of Science shows clearly that if we succeed in this task,alternative medicine can be a useful allies in a process of democratization of science and medicine.plunconventional medicinepublic debatemodernist constitutionDemokratyzacja debaty publicznej nad medycyną niekonwencjonalnąThe Democratization of the Public Debate on Alternative MedicineArtykuł