Pawlak, Aneta2012-08-132012-08-132007Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2007, vol. 34, pp. 101-106978-83-232174-7-30137-2475 this article, we present a short historical summary of the following terms: the aspect and the imperfective /perfective opposition to answer the question if the imperfective /perfective opposition has an aspectual or temporal character. We distinguish two types of the aforementioned opposition: the temporal imperfective /perfective opposition expressed by the Spanish tenses Pretérito Indefinido / Pretérito Imperfecto that is characterized by the property of [± temporal delimitation]; and the aspectual imperfective /perfective opposition recognizable in the aspectual system of the Slavonic languages that is characterized by the property of [± conclusion of the process].esImperfective /perfective oppositionaspectSpanish tensesPretérito IndefinidoPretérito Imperfecto¿Es aspectual o temporal el carácter de la oposición imperfectivo /perfectivo?Has the imperfective / perfective opposition got an aspectual or temporal character?].Artykuł