Jankowiak, BarbaraSoroko, Emilia2015-07-022015-07-022014Studia Edukacyjne, 2014, nr 32, s. 225-243978-83-232-2837-01233-6688http://hdl.handle.net/10593/13425Socio-therapy is a form of psycho-pedagogical help directed at children and adolescents from the risk group or/and presenting the signs of disorders in psycho-social functioning. In the presented work it is assumed that a socio-therapeutic group is a social support context of delivering social support network, where helping factors are activated by the possibility of bonding, tightening social contacts and the sense of belonging to the group. There are many help-oriented social interactions in the socio-therapeutic group (functional social support). The following paper deals with selected aspects of social support in socio-therapy: 1) support as a response to developmental and other crises, 2) support in psychological problems, 3) support aimed at group dynamics and stages of group development, 4) support in self-help during group work and after the end of work, 5) support by creating conditions in offering help. The role of socio-therapists (and institutions where sociotherapy takes place) in the social support processes and areas were also analyzed.plinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccesssocial supportsocio-therapystructural social supportfunctional social supportProblematyka wsparcia w socjoterapii – wybrane zagadnieniaSocial Suport in Socio-Therapy – Selected IssuesArtykułhttps://doi.org/10.14746/se.2014.32.14