Szulczyńska, Urszula2013-03-122013-03-122003Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 65, 2003, z. 2, s. 245-2630035-9629 position of a leader in an innovative activity allows creating a competitive advantage, with a use of various functional areas. The better the ability of competitors to imitate particular elements of the leader’s strategy, the bigger benefits from the innovation they take over and the sooner it happens. The strategy of a new product consists of the decisions regarding the product itself (its form, function and non-material features) and of the promotion, distribution channels and price strategy. Each marketing tool influences the company’s ability to generate long-term profits and to protect itself against copying by competitors. All of them affect the perception of consumers, which is a basis for differentiating the product and allows the innovator to set higher prices and make higher profits. The use of various possibilities to copy marketing strategies and thoughtful investment in avoiding being copied by competitors could both improve the situation of the company. The author analyses the elements of the innovative strategy with regards to their influence on the success of a new product, possibilities of copying by competitors and using those elements in order to prolong the period in which the company benefits from its innovative activity.plNOWE PRODUKTY A TRWAŁOŚĆ KORZYŚCI OSIĄGANYCH PRZEZ PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWONEW PRODUCTS VS DURABILITY OF BENEFITS ACHIEVED BY COMPANYArtykuł