Muszyńska, Ewa2015-07-142015-07-142015Studia Edukacyjne, 2015, nr 34, s.265-281978-83-232-2896-71233-6688 article outlines the current and proposed activities supporting elderly people, related to the ageing of sick individuals and the process of usual ageing (both discussed separately). These activities are divided into direct (involving individuals) and indirect ones (focusing on the environment). The article presents the key principles and types of supportive activities as well as the theoretical concepts underpinning them, i.e. the theory of human development and the concept of successful ageing.plinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccesssupportingcarewell-beingsuccessful ageingWspieranie rozwoju i dobrostanu osób w fazie późnej dorosłościSupporting the Development and Well-being of People in Late AdulthoodArtykuł