Kamela-Sowińska, Aldona2017-12-282017-12-281979Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 41, 1979, z. 4, s. 159-1770035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/20973Increase in development of motor transport, also in Poland, is connected unavoidable with still growing number of car accidents. Not only car owners and passangers but also other persons using public roads suffer damages in their result. Insurance is an instrument which satisfies the need of economic aid to victims of car accidents in the most complex way. Road traffic insurance have been submitted to certain phases in it's development what resulted in formation of three insurance systems. The oldest and the most universal one consists in insurance of civil responsibility of the cause of the accident. A system of insuring consequences of accidents in road traffic was introduced in few countries. Only in Poland, however, the system of obligatory road trafic insurance can be met which is a combination of both mentioned above systems in one integral entirety. The problem of securing actual realization of victims' claims is of importance above all in the countries in which especially rapid development of motor transport has occured. Road traffic insurance had to be radically changed being now an instrument serving to the still growing number of victims of car accidents. A social role of insurance of civil responsibility can be then underlined. The basic and superior aim of the insurance is protection of the victims of car accidents.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessFunkcjonalny charakter przemian ubezpieczeń komunikacyjnychFunctional Character of Changes in Road Traffic InsuranceArtykuł