Kuzminykh, KseniaSkowronek, Barbara2014-07-042014-07-042013Glottodidactica, Vol. 40/1 (2013), s. 105-11583-232-1043-80072-4769http://hdl.handle.net/10593/11045To teach effective writing skills is one of the tasks of German-as-native-language- and German-as-foreign-language lessons. Taking these as a basis, this paper aims at explaining different approaches, their advantages and disadvantages and at developing an new concept – writing as discourse ability. The paper emphasizes the necessity of this new concept, which enable the pupils to write “real” texts and take part In discourse. Furthermore it focuses on training program with internet.dewritingGerman as native languageGerman as foreign languagediscourseessay writinginternetSchreiben, Diskursfähigkeit und Internet im fremdsprachlichen und muttersprachlichen DeutschunterrichtWriting, discourse ability and internet in German as foreign und native language lessonsArtykuł