Karolczak, Ewelina2014-01-102014-01-102012Badania Fizjograficzne, Seria A, Tom 63, 2012, s. 209-229978-83-7654-158-72081-6014http://hdl.handle.net/10593/9718The aim of this work is the synoptic conditions analysis of thermal extremities in the city of Poznań in the XIX and XX century and contains 37 years of research. Two thermal seasons were analysed: summer and winter. These seasons were chosen because of their great temperature variability and because of their long duration in comparison to the other periods. The thermal extremes of the chosen seasons were combined with synoptic situations and types of atmospheric circulation over Europe. Furthermore the variability and instability of the beginning and ending dates of those periods, when the temperature threshold for these seasons was exceeded, was examined.planomalia termicznaNizina Wielkopolskapercentylcyrkulacja atmosferycznatermiczne pory rokuWpływ sytuacji synoptycznych na anomalie termiczne w Poznaniu w latach 1971-2008Artykuł