Kulig, Jan2017-12-232017-12-231978Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 40, 1978, z. 4, s. 127-1430035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/20931The paper aims to interpret and evaluate selected economic issues of the so called „world problematique". The interpretation points, first of all, to a significant shift that has taken place in very lively and dynamic Western debates on the subject during the present decade: from „doomsday propheting" to moderate optimism. Another feature of this evolution partains to a change in emphasis in the most important lines of the discussion: from underlining the material, physical constraints (mostly those related to natural resource base and population explosion), to more balanced, more comprehensive and deepened treatment of „non-tangible'' factors such as social, institutional, cultural and other dimension. Attention is also drawn to a place in the world problematique of the postulates and claims formulated by the Third World in its drive towards establishing the New International Economic Order. Besides, the paper raises also a question of certain ideological assumptions and implications of the Western writings on the subject, including a position of the transnational corporations which have a vital stake in the future pattern of international cooperation. In assessing these trends, a contribution of the socialist writers on the subject is brought to the fore. It is indicated that, although less published and known in the West, the position of socialist writers is much more practically oriented, being concentrated on issues that are amenable to international cooperation from a point of view of policy-makers. It is also indicated that a principal platform for this cooperation and shaping the future world must inevitably take due account of the socially justified interests of all parties involved (without an excessive concentration on those of e.g. developing nations). This platform could initially include: maintenance of peace, protection of human environment and ecosphere, introduction of full equality in international economic relations, elimination of the worst disproportions in the world development. In future, this platform of common interest could certainly enlarge.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessProjektowanie rozwoju świata: aspekty ekonomiczneOn Projections of World Development: Economic AspectsArtykuł