Szczyszek, Michał2014-05-222014-05-222012Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza, nr 19, z. 1, 2012, s. 51-64978-83-61573-40-1978-83-7654-123-51233-8672 present article analyses trigrams – words constructions that have properties of phrasemes. The studied trigrams have been excerpted from task-oriented dialogues (conducted between participants of a linguistic experiment). It turns out that phrasematic trigrams perform different communication and semantic functions: establishing and enhancing contact, feedback positive, “simple adverbiality” and “complex adverbiality”. The article is a follow-up to the author’s previous article on bi-grams: Bi-grams – Repetitive Two-word-structures in Task-oriented Dialogues.pltask-oriented dialoguesspoken Polishcommunicative situationscommunicative strategies.trigramslanguage communicationphrasemesTrigramy, czyli powtarzalne trzywyrazowe struktury w dialogach zadaniowychArtykuł