Rossa, Piotr2018-06-182018-06-182013P. Rossa, Trudności i szanse wychowania na współczesnym uniwersytecie: autorytet mistrza, [w:] red. Jazukiewicz I., Rojewska E., Sprawności moralne wychowawcy, Szczecin 2013, s. 137-146.978-83-7518-547-8 university as a community of theachers and students is dedicated to the search for truth through scientific research. This search is intrinsically connected with the university's educational role. It is a role which, for centuries, has been bound up with the authority of the academic teacher who is also a mentor. Contemporary transformations have resulted in placing an ever growing emphasis on the student's professional training and a lesser emphasis on educational tasks. The modern university is characterized by an economization and an easy access to multiple fields of study. In spite of a frequent tendency to abandon the task of factual evaluation, the university retains some of its educational functions which are linked with the person who is both a teacher and a mentor, as for instance, in the case of a project coordinator.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAn error occurred getting the license - uri.uniwersytetwychowanieautorytetwspólnota akademickaprawdaedukacjaacademic teachermentorstudenttransformationcommunity of teachers and studentsuniversityscientific researchsearch for trutheducational roleauthorityKrakówJan KantyStróżewski W.Uniwersytet KrakowskiUniversidad de CracoviaCracow universityجامعة كراكو克拉科夫大学クラクフ大学αλήθειαクラクフ克拉科夫क्राको克拉科夫Trudności i szanse wychowania na współczesnym uniwersytecie: autorytet mistrzaDifficulties and opportunities in modern university education: the mentor's authorityRozdział z książki