Banaszak, Sławomir2015-03-112015-03-112011978-83-232-2306-10083-4254 book deals with the managerial education, which in this work is widely understood: it encompasses both economic education as well as the influence of individuals and social groups on the personality and identity of managers. Education is also treated as a component of labour force and an important factor of social differentiation. The interpretation presented in this book is of a theoretical and empirical character. This means that its goal is working out a theoretical standpoint, conception of managerial education in modern societies on the basis of the existing factographic data as well as the author’s own empirical research. The reseach plan contained communication techniques: in-depth interviews with managers and an Internet questionnaire by means of the professional portal. This allowed to include in this study managers coming from different regions of Poland. The study also confirmed that the socioeconomic theory of property, adopted as the main theoretical axis of consideration give an account of the real social position of managers very well. An important result of both theoretical and empirical analyses is indication to the social state elements in the condition of managers and, in particular, the role of social respect in the workplace.Managerial Education in Modern Society A Theoretical and Empirical Study Summary All the structures surrounding managers and social participation form their personality and identity. Therefore, education must be understood widely and take into account the elements mentioned and not only focus on the institutional forms of economic education. Such a point of view is presented in this book. An important feature is also the sociological viewing of managers – their place and role in the structures of modern societies, against the background of other social classes and states. The main aim was just to show the education of managers as an important factor of social differentiation. Thus, this work can be placed at the border of sociology of education, work pedagogy, economics and sciences on management. In Chapter I social functions of managers are presented. In the introduction the author made an attempt at working out his own definition of manager as a hired worker, who is placed indirectly within productive labour. Further on, the subject of considerations are conditions of cooperation at the work place, differences between managing and executive labour, human labour productivity (Veblen) or a conception of managerial revolution (Burnham). The author criticises the division into manual and mental labour, considering it as an archaic and – in great measure – an evaluative one. In the chapter are also quoted classical conceptions of a profession, and in particular its understanding as proposed by Max Weber. Chapter II entitled Klasowość menedżerów jako główny składnik tożsamości [Class division of managers as the main component of identity] refers directly to the social position of managers. Following Anthony Giddens, it is treated as an element of identity. A theoretical axis of considerations as an economic-sociological theory of property, which exposes both the property of the means of production as well as of the property of labour force including education, qualifications, experience, upbringing and health. The managerial class is shown as internally diverse, as a macroclass, which consists of numerous small managerial classes, the so called microclasses. The principle of their differentiation in social life are among others: property, ways of production in which managers take part or the life style. The author also draws attention that in the analysis of managers certain elements can be distinguished of estate-like system, and in particular of the hierarchy, social respect together with its appropriation. Also the problems connected with work ethic and distribution of power in the organisation and in the society as a whole are discussed. Chapter III is devoted to the role of managers in knowledge organisations and in the knowledge society being formed. The author makes a distinct differentiation between qualifications and competences – the first ones are shaped in the course of education, and the other at the workplace. So in case of managers as well as in that of non 307 managerial positions, nevertheless it is just the managers who are responsible for developing of competences of their subordinates. It is a very important and responsible task – managers are not always capable of coping with it. An extremely important result of this chapter and of the whole book is the reconstruction of Emil Durkheim's conception of the professional group and anomie. This representative of the sociological Great Three is often too much simplified. The author tries to prove that the French pedagogue and sociologist, when introducing the notion of anomie, meant the permanent violation of social norms and not their tottering and extinction. Such an interpretation throws a different light on the possibilities of application of theory in practice. The author emphasises the socialising functions of a professional group and the significance of the professional ethic. In Chapter IV the role of managers in the process of solving conflict is discussed. A conflict as an unavoidable element of social life is treated here, however, as a factor which destroys work and negatively influences organisation of work. An important role in the course of conflicts in organisation is that of managers, who are not only responsible for the organisational atmosphere and also for preventing conflicts, but also for the ways of levelling negative results of conflicts. On the one hand, a conflict is understood here as an immanent part of every organisation and, on the other, as a dysfunction of an organisation. Chapter V of the book deals directly with the education of managers. The author shows the origin of institutions teaching managers in Europe and in the USA and then analyses world ranking of business schools chiefly with respect to their effectiveness understood as an increase in the salaries of their graduates. A very important part of the chapter is an analysis of reports of Państwowa Komisja Akredytacyjna [The State Accreditation Committee]. It showed that the academic education of managers in Poland is not free of faults and so it does not always serve well the economy. Nevertheless the author also takes up the questions connected with the socio-cultural pressure, which is nowadays exerted on young people and is conducive to the formation of new models of success in life and of new life styles. Also the significance of the social capital as an important “resource” is analysed in this chapter and submitted to criticism and transformed. Further on, as a specific educational material and context is treated organisational culture. In particular, the author emphasises the practical applicability of Geert Hofstede's conception. He admits that the causative subject of organisational norms, values and artefacts are managers. Chapter VI is devoted as a whole to the author's own studies of managers.The studies are inspired by the structural functionalism and the economic-sociological theory of property. Of great importance for the research plan were also conceptions of human capital (Becker), social capital and social reproduction (Bourdieu) and finally theories of the professional group and of anomie (Durkheim). Such a proceeding, assuming partial inclusion of the classics of social sciences to the analysis of modern phenomena and processes could be called neoclassicism. It allowed to outline more comprehensively the research problems and – as we can presume – its more accurate interpretation. The author used the following research techniques: an in-depth interview (31 respondents), questionnaire (211 respondents), content analysis (GoldenLine portal). Techniques diagnosed in a different way the areas submitted to the study and altogether were of complementary character. The author’s conclusions formulated as to the managerial education are thus quite extensive: from stating of the not too good preparation of those interviewed to perform the managerial functions through relations with their subordinates, attitude to 308 them up to the life style as a factor of social differentiation. The author emphasises that the managers interviewed are distinguished by their strong feeling of causativity and so they tend to ascribe to themselves the achievements which only in part are the result of their work. Moreover, managers even seem to neglect education in the domain of organisation and management of human work. On the other hand, they emphasise that many processes proceed by means of some links, connections and individual predilections. And these opinions are expressed in a rather poor Polish and bad grammar, which inclines one to conclude of the at most mediocre communicative competences of managers. The author completes this part of his considerations by analysing his own research procedure and a proposal of future studies, which might expose a biographical method as turned directly to the biographies of those interviewed and their attitudes, assessments they formulate and their values. It was the author's intention to write a book which would be a not too extensive compendium of knowledge on the education of managerial education. Thanks to the extension of the research techniques, it was possible to increase the range of conclusions and by this to enlarge this compendium to the size of a monograph. In the empirical stratum this task has not been easy since access to managers, especially those of a higher level was impeded. In turn, the measurement itself had to be concise due to shortages of time of the respondents. As it seems research results incline one, however, to be optimistic as far as new empirical trials conducted within this social category are concerned. plinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessedukacja menedżerskaedukacja menedżerówedukacja biznesowaedukacja ekonomicznasocjologia edukacjipedagogika porównawczamenedżeryzmmenedżerowie w strukturze społecznejkultura menedżerskakształcenie menedżerówgeneza menedżerówszkoły biznesuMBAdyplomy MBAwynagrodzenia menedżerówkierownictwokierownicydyrektorzyzarządzanieorganizacja i zarządzanienowoczesne organizacjekonfliktkonflikt organizacyjnystruktura społecznastratyfikacja społecznazróżnicowanie społecznesocjologia gospodarkisocjologia ekonomicznasocjologia pracypedagogika pracypsychologia pracypracaklasy społecznestany społeczneklasa menedżerówklasa menedżerskaspołeczeństwo wiedzygospodarka wiedzysocjologia klasycznaklasyczna myśl społecznasukces życiowystyl życiakultura organizacyjnakultura organizacjiwspółczesny kapitalizmneoliberalizmliberalizmkompetencje menedżerskiekwalifikacje zawodowekompetencje zawodoweetyka gospodarczaetyka biznesuThorstein VeblenEmile Durkheimkapitał społecznykapitał ludzkiwłasnośćprestiżEdukacja menedżerska w społeczeństwie współczesnym. Studium teoretyczno-empiryczneManagerial Education in Modern Society. A Theoretical and Empirical StudyKsiążka