Bondyra, KrzysztofKołodziejczyk, Marcin2013-02-152013-02-152009Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 71, 2009, z. 3, s. 163-1740035-9629 authors attempt to assess the evolution of the system o f education in the last 20 years, following the transformation of the political system in Poland. Their analysis is largely reduced to the education-labour market context. The authors are critical of the recent developments and argue that the structure of the Polish system of education fails to meet the needs and challenges of the current labour market, or the standards of other OECD countries. As a result there are shortages of certain skilled workforce or workers with specific qualifications, in particular in technical and vocational jobs both at the secondary as well as tertiary level. This imbalance between the demands and supply hinders expansion of modern economy based on knowledge and information and slows down the development of human capital. The paper is an attempt to diagnose this phenomenon and it recommends some repairing measures.plSYSTEM EDUKACYJNY W POLSCE WOBEC POTRZEB RYNKU PRACYSYSTEM OF EDUCATION IN POLAND AND LABOUR MARKET DEMANDSArtykuł