Gmerek, Tomasz2014-09-222014-09-222013Studia Edukacyjne, nr 28, 2013, s. 129-146978-83-232-2731-11233-6688 article deals with the issue of the relation between education and the processes of development of ethnic identity in Northern Russia. Special emphasis was placed on reconstructing educational practices and the educational policy toward indigenous minorities within nomadic schools. An attempt was made at examining the relationship between socialization, schooling, and ethnic identity in northern areas of Russia.plNomadic schoolshistoryethnic minoritiesArctic RussiaSzkoły koczownicze dla mniejszości tubylczych w północnych obszarach Rosji. Rys historyczny i współczesne problemyNomadic schools for Indigenous Minorities in Northern Russia. Historical Overview and Contemporary ProblemsArtykuł