Kwiatkowski, Zbigniew2016-11-282016-11-281989Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 51, 1989, z. 1, s. 79-1030035-9629 article presents the problems of procedural premises in proceedings for rendering a cumulative judgment. There are some modifications of premises in those proceedings in comparison with ordinary proceedings. Namely, beside some modified general premises there are also special premises, characteristic only for proceedings for rendering a cumulative judgment. The said proceedings are conditioned upon theree general positive procedural premises: a) being subject to Polish criminal courts, b) jurisdiction, c) the existence of litigant parties. To general negative premises belong: 1) immunities (Art. 11 sec. 3 of the Criminal Procedure Code), 2) the lapse of the prercribed statute of limitation (Art. 11 sec. 6 of the Criminal Procedure Code), 3) material validity (Art. 11 sec. 7 of the Criminal Procedure Code), 4) pendency of the litigation (Art. 11 sec. 7 of the Criminal Procedure Code), 5) amnesty as a negative premise not mentioned in Art. 11 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Special premises are specific factors, the existence of which is a condition of rendering a cumulative judgment. From that point of view one can distinguish: 1) special material premises, 2) a special procedural premise. Special material premises are regulated in the Criminal Code (Art. 66, 68, 69, 71§2). Those provisions allow to distinguish the following premises: 1) real concurrence of offences, 2) concurrence of penalties. A special procedural premise is formal validity of separate judgments sentencing for concurring offences (Art. 503 § 1 of the Criminal Procedure Code). The admissibility of proceedings for rendering a cumulative judgment depends on a simultaneous appearance of general and special premisespolinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessPrzesłanki procesowe w postępowaniu o wydanie wyroku łącznegoProcedural premises in proceedings for rendering a cumulative judgmentArtykuł