Rossa, Piotr2018-03-112018-03-112013P. Rossa, Karola Wojtyły postulat dialogicznego wzbogacania wiary, [w:] Ateneum Kapłańskie, t. 161, z. 1 (2013), s. 82-91.0208-9041 text elaborates on Karol Wojtyła’s dialogical call for the enrichment of faith. The basis of such an approach to faith was Wojtyła’s earlier philosophical and theological research which took note of man’s personhood, and emphasized the personal and dialogical character of one’s ability to humanly relate to God and other human beings. This research enabled Wojtyła to contribute significantly to the various formulations of Vatican II and constituted the foundation of his spiritual and pastoral activities.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessKarol WojtyłaSobór Watykański IIwiarawolnośćdialogBógczłowieksynodKarola Wojtyły postulat dialogicznego wzbogacania wiaryKarol Wojtyła's call for a dialogical enrichment of faithArtykuł