Sokalski, JerzyTarajkowski, Jerzy2013-07-172013-07-171999Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 61, 1999, z. 1, s. 243-261.0035-9629 aim of the article is to formulate a model approach of determining the needs in dental service for the elderly population groups. Within the period of system transformation in Poland the persons belonging to this group happen to experience particularly difficult position and the rank of the problem is very serious and, as such, it is being widely commented throughout the world literature. Adequate national research studies as well as those made by the WHO indicate both unfavourable position of Poland in rankings of general and particular health state and especially - of dentistry. The Authors have undertaken an arduous attempt of quantifying respective needs and presented the results of statistical verification of a model of these needs.plPOTRZEBY W ZAKRESIE USŁUG STOMATOLOGICZNYCH DLA LUDZI STARSZYCH W POLSCE (PRÓBA OSZACOWANIA)NEEDS IN DENTAL SERVICES FOR THE ELDERLY IN POLAND (EVALUATION ATTEMPT)Artykuł