Pałczyński, Stefan2013-03-152013-03-152000Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 62, 2000, z. 2, s. 15-540035-9629 article presents the silhouette of eminent Polish scholar - Romuald Hube (1803 - 1890), one of the most merited Polish lawyers of XlXth century - historian of the law, theoretician and philosopher of the law, known also as scientific father of Polish penal law science. The Author presents his biography and scientific work of R. Hube against the background o f the fate o f Polish nationals within this period. The impact of fundamental publications of this scholar on the development of Polish juridical ideas is then described and, more particularly — on the theory and philosophy of penal law. In this respect his most important work was a handbook entitled Ogólne zasady prawa karnego (1830) - (in English: General Principles o f Penal Law) Focusing mainly on the theory of operation and act as adopted by R. Hube, the Author of the article presents methodological opinions of this scholar - as a synthesis and accumulation of methodological tendencies present in European science of the law of the epoch. When analysing minutely the sense and assumptions of the theory of operation and act by R. Hube, the Author supports his own considerations with numerous quotations from the work o f the great scholar.plROMUALDA HUBEGO TEORIA DZIAŁANIA I CZYNUTHEORY OF OPERATION AND ACT BY ROMUALD HUBEArtykuł