Stelmach, Andrzej2019-06-172019-06-172000Przeglad Politologiczny, 2000, nr 3, s. 115-129.1429-8876 Paper Presents political position of the Russian Federation State Duma and its internal Structure. The power and principles of operation of the Lower House of the Russian Parliament internal bodies are discussed, Particular attention is paid to political groups represented in the Duma. The fractions and groups of deputies have a profound influence on the parliament operations, They affect the mode of operation of the House and its results. The conflict or convergence of interests causes individual groups of deputies to enter into alliances. These alliances, however, are not permanent in character and result from tactical movements. The Lower House of the Russian Federation plays a significant role in the system of State offices. Nevertheless, the state political system is constructed so that the actual authority lies in the hands of the President of the Russian Federation. Strong political Position of the head of the state results both from the stipulations in the constitution and also from a certain distribution of political power in the country. The system lacks a Strong Political group that would be able to oppose the president. Therefore central administration is beyond the control of parliament. In Russia there is no practical dependence of the government on the parliament. The Duma has little influence over the executive power.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessFederacja RosyjskaRussian FederationDuma Państwowa Federacji Rosyjskiej. Struktura i zasady działaniaArtykuł