Rochatka, WeronikaKlichowski, Michał2021-09-082021-09-082021-08Rochatka, W. i Klichowski, M. (2021). Trening mózgu. Potrzeba indywidualizacji w terapii opartej na neurofeedbacku. Refleksje, 5, 32-37.2450-8748 neurofeedback is used in the treatment of many disorders, little is said about the need for individualization in such therapy. It may be particularly related to intellectual disabilities, where children's competences are very diversified. Therefore, we re-analyzed the results of our previous study on neurofeedback and developed a package of recommendations that allow to adjust the neurofeedback procedure to the individual characteristics of the patient. Our findings may be useful for practitioners working with this method, but also for researchers analyzing the effectiveness of neurofeedback therapy.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEEGbiofeedbackneuroedukacjaneurodydaktykapedagogika kognitywistycznaindywidualizacjaTrening mózgu. Potrzeba indywidualizacji w terapii opartej na neurofeedbackuBrain training. The need for individualization in neurofeedback-based therapyArtykuł