Pawelczak, Katarzyna2014-09-222014-09-222013Studia Edukacyjne, nr 28, 2013, s. 263-278978-83-232-2731-11233-6688, more and more scholars prioritize an importance of an autobiographical narrative, which enables them to get to know examined people in terms of their individual experiences. We can observe an increase of a number of the scientists, being aware of a necessity to take disabled people’s perspective into consideration. That’s very meaningful that they have realized this necessity; otherwise they might make it impossible to establish a relationship with aforesaid people. Talking about ourselves helps us understand our feelings, thoughts and needs. That’s why the narrative is becoming an integral part of an intellectual disability’s discourse.plperson with intellectual disabilitynarrationqualitative researchNarracja autobiograficzna osoby z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną (i jej miejsce w dyskursach pedagogiki specjalnej)Autobiographical Narration of Person with Intellectual Distability (and Her Place in Discourses of Pedagogy of Intellectual Disability)Artykuł