Vickermann-Ribémont, Gabriele2012-06-042012-06-042011-06-30Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2011, vol. 38, nr 1, pp. 51-65978-83-232-2279-80137-2475 best-known comedy written by Eighteenth-century minor dramatic author Fagan, The Pupille (1734), is to be understood against the background of the matrimonial law of the French Ancien Regime. The royal law article called « rapt de séduction », which inspired much of the contemporary literary production, gives full authority to parents or guardians, as opposed to the Catholic doctrine privileging free consent of parties. La Pupille plays a particular role in this context because the comedy does not ridicule either parents or guardians, and works out a marriage against their will; on the contrary, Fagan’s guardian is most comprehensive and will therefore prepare the final surprise.frEntre ancrage juridique et tradition littéraire : « La Pupille » de Fagan et les tuteurs de MolièreArtykuł