Kuszak, Kinga2013-04-162013-04-162012Studia Edukacyjne, nr 22, 2012, s. 321-339978-83-232-2502-71233-6688http://hdl.handle.net/10593/5881The article touches on the thread of figurative language embodied in conventional idiomatic combinations in: metaphors, idioms, proverbs. The author analyzed the most important concepts relating to the figurative language using pedagogical, psychological and linguistic literature. She took note of traditional and contemporary sources of idiomatic expressions functioning in the con-temporary language. In the next part she considered the thread of children’s language education and what place dose idiomatic education hold in contemporary propaedeutic education. The article is an introduction into the subject matter of idiomatic expressions functioning in the contemporary language.plmetaphoridiomidiomatic expressionproverbearly school educationlanguage educationZwiązki frazeologiczne w edukacji językowej dziecka – zarys problematykiIdiomatic expressions in a child’s language education – outline of the problemArtykuł