Hauser, Roman2016-12-292016-12-291983Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 45, 1983, z. 1, s. 41-520035-9629 article describes the regulation of execution proceedings in administration of the selected European socialist States. The analysis is limited to the legislations of those States, where the execution proceedings has been more completely regulated. It is the case of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Yougoslavia, Poland and Hungary. In the remaining States the execution proceedings occupies a secondary position and is fragmentarily regulated in various legislations of detailed problems of state's administration. Various normative models adopted in the socialist States can be specified on the grounds of varying modes of regulating the procedure. The author focused on the problem of safeguarding legally protected interests of citizens in the execution proceedings in the compared legislations. The very fact of legislating the proceedings by means of parliamentary acts has the essential effect upon the protection of citizen's interest. Out of detailed questions the following were analysed: mode of regulating some execution means (substituted execution, immediate enforcement), principles of execution proceedings and the system of appeals. The author concludes that the priority is attributed to the protection of State's interest in the specific collission of State's and citizen's interest which is observed in legislations of execution proceedings in the socialist States. Polish legislation however, can effectively protect the interest of citizens in the execution proceedings. The author indicates at the necessity of further actions aiming at more effective citizen's interest protection by means of submitting decisions given in the execution proceedings under judicial control of administrative decisions.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessOchrona interesów obywatela w postępowaniu przymusowym w wybranych państwach socjalistycznychProtection of citizen's interest in execution proceedings of the selected European socialist StatesArtykuł