Wierzchosławski, Stanisław2017-11-112017-11-111976Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 38, 1976, z. 3, s. 119-1440035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/20532The article contains a trial of determining the share of internal trade in the national income of Poland in the post-war period. The share was examined against a backround of other divisions of the national economy. In such degree, to which the available source material permitted, proportions of growth of the national income owing to internal trade were presented against a background of development of internal trade in other socialist countries. As the starting point of analysis the proposition was adopted, that the industrial growth under conditions of a socialist economy could be treated as a determinant of economic development of the whole national economy. Hence the share of internal trade in national income is considered in connection with industrial growth. Using the regression analysis the author aims at identification of economic regularities within that scope. Much attention, besides estimation of development tendency, was devoted to the structure of the national income worked out in that division of the national economy. The national income was analysed with taking into account forms of ownership (state trade, co-operative trade, private trade) and several branches and organisational forms.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessUdział handlu wewnętrznego w tworzeniu dochodu narodowegoThe share of Internal Trade in Creation of the National IncomeArtykuł