Drozdowicz, Zbigniew2017-07-112017-07-112016„Przegląd Religioznawczy" vol. 2(260), 2016, pp. 79-931230-4379http://hdl.handle.net/10593/18370In these remarks I make a further attempt to deliver the answer to the questions found in the title. I do not assume certainly that it leads us to remove all uncleareances related to it. I do hope however that it might lead in some extent to the better understanding of the issue but it also will make an interesting contribution to the answer to the following question: why do agnostics may occur as opponents of theism and allies of atheism; and the opposite – as allies of the first one and opponents of the latter. It may look like an paradox but I attempt here to show on selected examples the fact that they had played these different roles.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessagnostycyzmateizmDawkinsRussellCo to jest agnostycyzm i kto jest agnostykiem?Artykuł