Budzinowski, Roman2013-07-182013-07-182002Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 64, 2002, z. 3, s. 111-120.0035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/7046The article is an attempt at defining the legal status of a farmer as an entrepreneur, presented on the background of developing legislation. Additionally, the author makes a tentative appraisal of legal provisions regulating this status and points at the main directions of the legislative changes. The author discusses the notion of farmer in the legal sense, then presents the category of agricultural entrepreneur in the Italian law, and finally makes a review of relevant legislation with a special focus on the following three crucial documents: obligation code of 1934, business activity act of 1988, and the business activity law act of 1999. The author concludes that it is legitimate to view a farmer as an entrepreneur in the light of the binding legislation. He considers it to be a drawback of the existing regulations that this conclusion must be arrived at indirectly due to the lack of a general regulation regarding the status o f farmers. In order to strengthen the position of a farmer, the author deems it necessary to characterise a farmer clearly as an entrepreneur, introduce the category of an agricultural entrepreneur, and update the definition of agricultural activity.plSTATUS PRAWNY ROLNIKA JAKO PRZEDSIĘBIORCY (ZAGADNIENIA WYBRANE)THE LEGAL STATUS OF A FARMER AS AN ENTREPRENEUR (SELECTED ASPECTS)Artykuł