Pinter, KornelijaSorel, Sanjin2013-05-292013-05-292013Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, 2013, nr 4, s.139–150978-83-232-2525-62084-3011 the article, from different linguistic and literary theoretical perspectives, parodic function of anaphora is analyzed on samples of Croatian contemporary poetry. The aim is to present how a poem, especially one that is not from the contemporary lyric collection, is not a realization of „mythic time”, but in its rhythms and structures, where repetition is conditio sine qua non of lyricism, it keeps a trace, a memory of the imaginary, of the myth which in speech revives what is hidden and suppressed.otherparodyrepetitionaliterationmythCroatian modern poetryPonavljanje, parodija ili raspadanje prazne ploče magijskih performativa u hrvatskome suvremenome pjesništvuRepetition, Parody or Disintegration of the Empty Plate of Magic Performatives in Croatian Contemporary PoetryArtykuł