Nieborak, Tomasz2013-07-182013-07-182002Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 64, 2002, z. 1, s. 123-132.0035-9629 introduction of free market in Poland entails a number of social and economic reforms, including banking, which is the foundation of economy. In this respect the most important legal acts are the Act on Banking Law and the Act on the National Bank o f Poland, which comprehensively regulate the functioning and supervision of the Polish banking system. Well organised and effectively operated banking supervision guarantees the stability of the whole national banking sector and consequently also the whole economy. The Basle Committee on Banking Supervision is one of the bodies which have raised this point. This influential advisory committee comprising banking supervision organs from several dozens of states has issued „The Fundamental Principles of an Effective Banking Supervision”, a document including 25 „commandments” designating the aims of legal regulations involved. The article present those of them which concern the standards of holding and executing banking supervision by proper organs. The presentation is accompanied by an analysis of the Polish banking law regulations and their conformity with the Basle Committee proposals, in particular: continuous supervision methods, consolidation of supervisory actions, and the ways o f ensuring that banks execute the supervisory recommendations issued by supervisory organs.plPOLSKIE PRAWO BANKOWE A MIĘDZYNARODOWE STANDARDY PRZEPROWADZANIA I EGZEKWOWANIA BANKOWYCH CZYNNOŚCI NADZORCZYCHPOLISH BANKING LAW AND INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS OF HOLDING AND EXECUTING BANKING SUPERVISIONArtykuł