Mucha, JoannaSuchoń, Aneta2013-03-182013-03-182007Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 68, 2006, z. 4, s. 93-106.0035-9629 purpose of the paper is an attempt to answer the following questions: firstly, is the pledge an available and favourable form o f securing receivables related to agricultural production due from a debtor who is an agricultural producer, and, secondly, is the pledge an effective measure of obtaining the benefit for the creditor. Three types of pledges have been analysed: an ordinary pledge regulated by articles 306 - 335 of the civil code, a registered pledge and a statutory pledge related to the agricultural lease (article 701 civil code). The paper presents different issues related to the pledge, including the pledge being a subject and object o f the transaction, and the recovery o f the benefit secured by the pledge. The paper ends with a conclusion that from the point o f view o f both: the pledgor and the pledgee, a registered pledge is undoubtedly a much more advantageous and desirable form of securing receivables than an ordinary pledge. Consequently, postulates requesting modifications of some existing regulations concerning registered pledge act seem to be fully justifiable.plZASTAW JAKO FORMA ZABEZPIECZENIA WIERZYTELNOŚCI ZWIĄZANYCH Z PROWADZENIEM DZIAŁALNOŚCI ROLNICZEJPLEDGE AS A FORM OF SECURING RECEIVABLES RELATED TO AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIONArtykuł