Brodniewicz, Joanna2018-03-052018-03-052017Bohemistyka, 2017, nr 1, s. 59-741642–9893 article presents a profile of Oto Mádr in the period from the Prague Spring till the Velvet Revolution, and is based on memories and documents. During the Prague Spring he conducted lectures on ethics at the Catholic Theological Faculty in Prague. From the 70s of the twentieth century till the Velvet Revolution, Mádr was a spiritus movens of the catholic samizdat, he also organized independent theological lectures. From 1978, he started publishing the ”Teologické texty” in the samizdat. Mádr was one of the most important advisers to the cardinal František Tomášek, and collaborated on the work of spiritual revival of the Chech nation. In the years 1990–2005, he was an editor-in-chief of the ”Teologické texty”. Until the end of his life, Mádr cooperated with the Catholic Theological Faculty at the Charles University in Prague, and co-edited of the ”Teologické texty”.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCzech cultureOto Mádrreligion»Wydobyć z siebie to, co po ludzku najcenniejsze« – przypadek Oto Mádra (1968–1989)Artykuł