Čorkalo Jemrić, Katica2014-10-282014-10-282014Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, 2014, nr 7, s.63–78978-83-63795-79-52084-3011http://hdl.handle.net/10593/11983The paper describes the first organized attempt to erect a monument to A.G. Matoš in Zagreb (1938), an erected monument – Matoš on the bench– made by I. Kozarić (1978), as well as other visual art works inspired by Matoš – portraits, busts, and caricatures. At the end a description of the memorial house of Matoš and other memorials in his born-town Tovarnik is given, with emphasizing of the future activities in the memorial house. Inspired by the important book To the memory of A.G. Matoš, this paper gives an overview of the memorial heritage dedicated to the great poet.otherthe unrealized monument to Antun Gustav Matoš in Zagrebthe monument of Ivan KožarićbustsportraitscaricaturesAntun Gustav Matoš in TovarnikProjekt Matoševa spomenika u Zagrebu godine 1938. s pregledom vrijedne likovne „matošiane”The Project of Matoš Monument in Zagreb in 1938 and an Overview of the Valuable Visual Art Works of „Matošiana”Artykułhttps://doi.org/10.14746/pss.2014.7.5