Balcerek, Grzegorz2016-12-032016-12-031994Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 56, 1994, z. 3, s. 145-1620035-9629 paper presents results of a sociological study devoted to the religious life of one of the Roman-Catholic parishes in Poznań, which reveals the characteristics of a period of fast urbanisation. The parishioners consist in part of former subuirban population and in part of inhabitants of large housing districts created after the second world war in consequence of intensive industrialisation of Poznań. The research was based on a modified questionnaire developed by the Department of Sociology of the Catholic University in Lublin. 524 randomly chosen parishioners were questioned on the matters related to faith (intensity, motivation, attitude to religious practices, changes in religious attitudes and behaviours), frequency and type of religious practices followed, elements of faith and knowledge of religion, morality and the feeling of belonging to the church.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessReligijność wielkomiejskiej parafii w świetle badań monograficznychReligious feelings of urban parishioners in the liglit of a monographic studyArtykuł