Najlepszy, Eugeniusz2016-12-262016-12-261986Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 48, 1986, z. 1, s. 181-2010035-9629 article attempts at the estimation of foreign trade development in the Poznan district economy. The need to elaborate the local balance of trade turnover in domestic and exchange prices is indicated at, in order to estimate the input of enterprises of that region in the exchange balance of trade of the national economy. Analysis of the development of export production in the years 1981 - 1983: indicates the gradual reconstruction of the export dynamics. Nevertheless the structural underdevelopment of foreign trade in the Poznan district can be observed, it is manifested by the high share of traditional products in export (products of agriculture, forestry etc.). On the grounds of the empirical analysis of profitability of the export production of the Poznan district, the author reaches a conclusion that the financial situation of numerous exporting enterprises is not optimistic. Several branches of economy of the region, as well as industries in a given period, were not able to cover all costs related to export incomes which has contributed to the increase of losses of the expoting enterprises. The author maintains that initiation of the development of specialized industries can be in a long run, a prerequisite to improve the product structure of the foreign trade of the Poznan district.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessRola handlu zagranicznego w gospodarce województwa poznańskiegoRole of foreign trade in the economy of Poznań voivodshipArtykuł