Kulczycki, EmanuelRozkosz, Ewa A.Drabek, Aneta2015-08-312015-08-312015Kulczycki, E., Rozkosz, E., Drabek, A. (2015). Publikacje polskich badaczy w czasopismach z list ERIH w kontekście ewaluacji jednostek naukowych. Kultura i Edukacja, 107/1: 149–72. DOI: 10.15804/kie.2015.01.08http://hdl.handle.net/10593/13850Dziękujemy Małgorzacie Gamian­Wilk, Władysławowi Markowi Kolasie, Marii Lewickiej oraz Zuzie Wiorogórskiej za lekturę pierwszej wersji tekstu oraz cenne uwagi i wskazówki. Dziękujemy również Alicji Bodych i Piotrowi Brzezińskiemu za dostarczenie źródła danych o zdarzeniach ewaluacyjnych.The article discusses the adequacy of using the ERIH lists (the European Reference Index for the Humanities) as a tool for categorizing the scien­ tific units in Poland in 2013. Our study examines the international range of journals in which Polish humanists published their texts in 2009­2012. We examine the published articles through the category of an evaluated item (the indicator used in the Polish categorization of scientific units). The analyzed journals (N = 4274) were indexed on the C part of the Polish „List of Evaluated Journals” which is based on the ERIH lists. We divide journals into two categories: (1) journals (N = 620) with at least 1 publica­ tion taken into account in the categorization (128 Polish journals and 492 published outside of Poland), (2) journals (N = 3654) in which there were no publications from the Polish scientific units and no evaluated items. We found 7724 evaluated items which were attributed to the ERIH lists: 75.18% of these items were connected with articles published in the Polish journals which have a national range; 24.12% of these came from 10 Polish journals. Our findings show that the ERIH lists are not appropriate for assessing the internationalization of publications in the categorization of scientific units.info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEuropean Reference Index for the HumanitiesERIHscientific journalsscientometricsComprehensive Evaluation of Scientific UnitsPublikacje polskich badaczy w czasopismach z list ERIH w kontekście ewaluacji jednostek naukowychArtykułhttps://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2015.01.08