Tobolska, Anna2013-02-142013-02-142009Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 71, 2009, z. 4, s. 145-1720035-9629 analysis of international economic processes such as foreign trade or direct foreign investments indicate regional condensation: almost two thirds of foreign trade of the EU member states is carried among those states. A similar situation is observed in foreign investments which are usually placed in neighbouring countries. Such strong economic dependence, especially when it comes to foreign trade, may also be noticed among member states of other regional economic groups where foreign trade may be, in fact, regarded as internal trade. Such intensification of relationships among states within various regional economic groups confirms the thesis of a complementary character of globalisation and regionalisation processes in today’s contemporary economy.plGŁOWNE KIERUNKI WSPOŁCZESNYCH PROCESOW GOSPODARCZYCH: GLOBALIZACJA I REGIONALIZACJAMAIN DIRECTIONS OF CONTEMPORARY ECONOMIC PROCESSES: GLOBALISATION AND REGIONALISATIONArtykuł