Klochko, ViktorKośko, AleksanderRazumov, SerhiyWłodarczak, PiotrŻurkiewicz, Danuta2016-11-022016-11-022015Baltic-Pontic-Studies, 2015, vol. 20, pp.142-182.1231-0344http://hdl.handle.net/10593/15231The paper presents excavation results and analytical studies concerning the taxonomic classification of a funerary site identified with the communities of the ‘barrow cultures’ settling the north-western Black Sea Coast in the first half of the 3rd and the middle of the 2nd millennia BC . The study focuses on the ceremonial centres of the Eneolithic communities of the Babyno and Noua cultures .enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessbarrow culturesEneolithicEarly Bronze AgeLate Bronze AgeMiddle Dniester AreaENEOLITHIC, BABYNO AND NOUA CULTURE CEMETERIES, KLEMBIVKA, SITE 1, YAMPIL REGION, VINNITSA OBLAST: ARCHAEOMETRY, TAXONOMY AND TOPOGENETICSArtykuł